
Showing posts with the label pork

Why You Should Not Eat Pork

You must not eat their meat or touch their carcasses. This is because pork meat which comes from pigs is. Pig Feed What You Can And Can T Feed Pigs Swill Agriculture And Food If you insist on eating pork do so extremely sparingly and if you can make sure that it is raised without the use of antibiotics hormones and other chemicals that it has been raised on a pasture and fed a healthy diet. Why you should not eat pork . Unlike steak which can be eaten without being fully brown on the inside pork thats bloody or rare on the inside should not be consumed. It has to smear itself in its own excrement. Why you should not eat pork Leviticus 1178. Every single day you make a choice of what you are putting onto your fork. Pork is not Kosher meaning that it doesnt fall within the requirements of religious texts. 1 A pig is a real garbage gut. You are what you eat When you ingest unclean foods you become less clean. The truth is that according to the Bible not only are Chri