
Showing posts with the label gallbladder

Gallbladder And Heartburn

The symptoms of heartburn and gallbladder trouble are so similar that patients may not be sure which problem theyre experiencing. Removing a normal gallbladder or one with asymptomatic gallstones does not resolve the problem and may exacerbate pre-existing acid reflux. Is It My Gallbladder Or Heartburn 1 2 Fortunately you can beat recurring digestive symptoms. Gallbladder and heartburn . Assists the removal of cholesterol from your body. Acid reflux is most likely to occur immediately after a meal although it may be aggravated by lying down several hours after a meal. Acid reflux occurs if you experience heartburn or burning pain in. Many people with gallbladder disease also report suffering from chronic heartburn. For some patients gallbladder removal is the end of troublesome symptoms as they are perfectly fine after that. If you suffer from heartburn food regurgitation upper endoscopy with ambulatory pH testing is a reliable test to confirm and stage reflux. Na