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Do Filipinos Eat Dogs

It actually refers to the native filipinos that live live in the mountains. There is nothing to deny that. Love The Holidays The Philippines Celebrates 4 Months Of Christmas Mania Npr The practice of eating cat and dog meat is surprisingly common amongst farmers in this Alpine nation. Do filipinos eat dogs . Plus only the barbaric ones in some areas in the Philippines have dogs for pulutan food during beer-drinking. Most Filipino consider it a delicacy to the extent that there are restaurants all over the country that offers only these exotic dishes. Its not like everyone in Vietnam will eat dog but I believe that half of them may do. Many a time due to all the countrys borrowed words from Spanish and English listening to Filipinos speak might sound like theyre communicating in three different languages all at once. I dont eat dogs. Consumption is also quite popular in the Rhine Valley. Okamura suggests that some do and some do not. Cambodians Koreans Indonesians